0541 76014488

crowd ukraine



The idea

We rebuild Ukraine. Sounds like a big task? Yes, it is. But we have to start from somewhere. And we start right here in Niedersachsen, with the foundation of a new crowd investment platform dedicated to invest into the recovery of Ukraine. Our goal is to build 1,000 new co-living apartments for the young generation of Ukrainians. Completely made from wood. Rented out at affordable prices. And secured for our investors by the German investment guarantee.

Crowd Ukraine is not a donation, but a financial investment for all of us, where every German and European citizen can participate and co-invest starting from only 100 Euros. And with big thanks to the German economic ministry in Berlin, our impact startup is financially pre-funded by the new IGP innovation program.

So now we can start to rebuild Ukraine together. Better and greener.



the founder

My name is Alex, I am here from Niedersachsen. I went to business school in London and co-founded my first investment company in 2010. Against all odds we build a balance sheet with over 150 million Euros and a staff of more than 50 employees. After selling my shares I backpacked around the world. With now 71 countries in my passport, I fell in love with Ukraine already long time before the war started. I just come back from my 10th visit to Kyiv, with everything in hand that we need to start our first housing project. The time for us is now.



Finanziert von:

+ Niedersachsen

In Kooperation mit:

ICO Osnabrück + Gründungsstipendium Begleitende Einrichtung NBank Niedersachsen
Group Schumacher
Fip Öl
L. Stroetmann
Coppenrath & Wiese new
coffee perfect